
Ident Update #5

Today I have made significant progress on the ident to the point of completion.  I begun with importing the animation render and screen recorded videos into After effects. I used after effects as Premiere Pro was causing issues with importing videos. I then made a composite sequence and positioned where I was going to put the screen recorded videos of production activities.  This is the finished result of placing videos, creating masks of each video, changing feather and opacity of the videos to make them appear above the cubes as they hit the ground. This screenshot is creating text for the IWCTV text above the cubes. They would appear above the cubes and fade in with the production videos behind them. In this screenshot, I used the pen tool to create a mask around the cube the is overlapped by the first activity clip.   This screenshot is using premiere pro to import the music and audio foleys of bricks hitting the floor that would play when the blocks hit the floor. This is a screen

Ident update #4

When importing an image texture on a cube, the image is wrapped around the net of a cube which isn’t how I want the image texture to be displayed. To fix this, I would have to select each face of the object and move the image textures UV Map and move it wherever I need it to be. For the front of the cube, I would resize and position the individual face of the UV to fill the image, making the image texture appear on the front of the screen perfectly. For the rest of the faces, I would move the UV map to fill it with white so the sides, top and bottom faces do not have the image in it. I would repeat the process with the rest of the textures. Finished result image below    This is the finished result of the cubes. All cubes have an image texture applied to the base colour. All properties for the cubes and the scene are complete and do not need to change. Considering that moving any part of the scene that collides with the cubes, it could change where the cubes land and ruin the scene.

Ident Update #3

Today I have begun the production for the animated scenes. I have been using a draft project file so I can get to grips with shaders, physics and other settings that may be needed while I work on the main project file. Screenshots have been taken and will be posted in this post and future posts. This screenshot is the scene settings. I turned up the sampling for render to 250 so that the render will look high quality when I need to render the video. I also turned on bloom which will make light in the screen glow. And screen space reflections which make objects with specific materials (the ground for example will have a glossy material) reflect light. This screenshot is changing the world setting. I changed the colour of the world to black to make the background of the Ident black. This screenshot is showing the use of the Array Modifier which duplicates the origin object to the number of times the user specifies. In my case, I chose 5 times so the cube was duplicated 5 times while rema

Idents Update #2

Since the last blog post, I have made progress on the Pre-Production documents needed for the ident unit and have completed all pre-production elements necessary. The next step for the Ident is to film the necessary shots for the last 5 seconds of the ident. All the shot lists are complete and booking forms have been completed although not sent due to certain events that have happened recently. On the 11th November, my household been in contact with COVID-19 and a case has developed at home, meaning that I have had to self-isolate for 2 weeks (ending on 23rd November). I have contacted college and made them aware of the situation and have been told to work on any pre-production work and/or essay work. During self-isolation, I will be keeping in contact with Jon, keeping him up-to-date with progress made on both Corporate and Idents work.  This means that I wont be able to film outside of home, although there are some shots I can film at home. I will look into this over the coming days

First Blog Entry

 For this unit, we have been assigned to plan, create and edit an Ident for either IWCTV YouTube channel or Gnarly TV. I have chosen to do the IWCTV brief which is to create 3 suites of Idents that reflect the colleges course and to appeal to the intended target audience of new and existing media production students from around the south of England, industry and education professionals as well as possible corporate clients who are looking for a student production company to produce content on a semi-professional basis.  Since the brief was assigned, I have spent the time to brainstorm and come up with 3 possible Ident ideas for the IWCTV YouTube channel. I have also spent the time in creating the PowerPoint pitch that would be presented on 3rd November.  I have chosen to go with Ident #1 which will used the 3D animated style. I will be using the free and open source software Blender to create, animate and model all the objects required to make the scene. Today I have finished with the